Trinograms is a triangular grid version of nonograms (also known as: paint by numbers, griddlers, pic-a-pix, picross, prismaPixels, pixel puzzles, crucipixel, edel, figurePic, hanjie, heroGlyphix, illust-logic, kare karala!, logic art, logic square, logicolor, logimage, oekaki logic, oekaki-mate, tsunamii, etc.).
Color the triangles of the grid black or white based on the number clues that appear on the colored stripes for the rows and diagonal columns. The clues tell you the number of sequential black triangles and the order in which they appear. Your goal is to reveal a pattern consistent with all the clues.
The images in this version are randomly generated, and non-representative.
Puzzle size can be changed to suit your preferences.
If you get stuck, the "hint" feature can tell you if a triangle should be black or white. With "hint" selected, just click on the triangle you want a hint for.
When youre done, click "solution" to check your work.